Based on the main business of gifts, Yuanlong Yato provides corporate customers with overall solutions for digital promotional activities, and meets customers' needs of digital promotion management and terminal execution through the combination of online and offline methods. We also utilize the tools and methods to attract, analyze, and keep users, so as to enhance the overall platform activity, stimulate consumption, and achieve value enhancement.
Precipitating users
Analyze users
Keep users
Recruit members
- Leading-in of scene
- Unified identity
Boost loyalty
- Grade privilege
- Emotional maintenance
Prompt actively
- Points operation
- Recall lost users
Stimulate consumption
- Precise push
- Intelligent recommendation
Analyze individuals
- User 360
- Behavior analysis
Analyze groups
- Big screen
- Grouping
Digitalized marketing
Meet the needs of enterprise customers for digitalized marketing management and terminal servicesCases
Digital Marketing Management
Total marketing from product scanning code traceability to membership system building